Campaign Highlights Young FoEE
Young Friends of the Earth Europe

Young Friends of the Earth Europe is a grassroots network of young people and youth organisations working for social and environmental justice on a local, national and European level. We’re active in over 20 countries across Europe, and bring together powerful local Young Friends of the Earth groups. We work in cooperation with both Friends of the Earth Europe and Friends of the Earth International, and share a common vision and mission.
Our common understanding of the world and vision of a just system for everyone unites us, and we take action on climate justice, food and agriculture, and sustainability education. We are an inclusive network committed to organising, working together and campaigning in an intersectional way. We are proud to be a grassroots network that is owned and led by its young members. We work in a horizontal and democratic way, where all members count equally and all voices are heard.
In 2022, the Young FoEE network brought together 40 young folks at the European Youth Democracy Camp to discuss, learn and exchange about this labyrinth called the EU, and what young people can do to make a difference. Movement building, campaigning and resilient activism were central on the agenda. At the Young FoEE Network Gathering, organisers and communicators working on the topics of Climate Justice and Agriculture got together to learn about intersectionality and climate justice and about how to communicate about the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the role of youth. Participants also worked on campaign creation, and engaged in a Volunteers Programme for the YFoEE network.
The Steering Group is made up of up to eight volunteers elected from the network. They are responsible for coordinating the ongoing work and development of Young Friends of the Earth Europe. Current members are: Dimitra Kaneva, 24, Bulgaria; Tiziana Pipp, 18, Croatia; Tea Goßlau, 22, Germany; Sara Mariza Vryonidi, 28, Cyprus; Cara Clarke, Ireland; Ana Mtchedlishvili, 25, Georgia; Alternate members: Sathe Miah, 22, United Kingdom.